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The Adventures of Blake and Mortimer

The Staff of Plutarch: black and white strips in Ketpaddle!

As you already know, the belgian newspaper Le Soir is currently prepublishing The Staff of Plutarch (the new album by Sente and Juillard coming on December), with the pace of one black and white strip per day. These strips are available, in HD, in the blog devoted to comics run by Daniel Couvreur, associated to the newspaper. You can follow the prepublication each Saturday through here, for free. Below you can check out the first complete 5 pages:

The Staff of Plutarch: black and white strips in Ketpaddle!
The Staff of Plutarch: black and white strips in Ketpaddle!
The Staff of Plutarch: black and white strips in Ketpaddle!
The Staff of Plutarch: black and white strips in Ketpaddle!
The Staff of Plutarch: black and white strips in Ketpaddle!

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I'd wish they would cut out digging into the pre-Swordfish days of Blake and Mortimer, show more prudence in their sequels and come with an entirely original story without an espionage or thriller bent. There are lots of good British SF/adventure novels and movies out there from the 1950s and 1960s to take inspiration from.
And if Jacobs never wanted to or did a prequel of The Sevret of the Swordfish, there is no reason to do it now... The continuation works with original stories that don't disagree with anything Jacobs said, but add new things to the series.
Je ne comprends pas : ils sont au large du Sénégal ou à moins d'une heure de Londres en Seafire ?<br /> Et le Golden Rocket sur un porte-avions : hum...