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The Adventures of Blake and Mortimer

The Dossier Mortimer VS Mortimer

In 1990 was published the new Blake and Mortimer album, whose script and panel distribution had been made by Jacobs before dying in 1987 and whose drawing had been finished by Bob de Moor, an artist who was even chosen by Jacobs himself. In the same year, Les Editions Blake et Mortimer also published a very complete dossier which included, appart from an interview to Bob de Moor and an analysis of the series together with the album's crytics, the complete set of "crayonnés" drawn by Jacobs for this album. Many people would have paid a lot to see them, and their existance was deniedfor a long time. Below you can check out the cover for this dossier, featuring a cover project of the album sketched by Jacobs himself, and one of its wonderful pages:

The Dossier Mortimer VS Mortimer
The Dossier Mortimer VS Mortimer

You can command this dossier via Amazon or BDnet.

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